Friday, June 6, 2014


Lance Wallnau

(Excerpt- Taken from the Destiny Dashboard)

In The Making of a Leader, Dr. Robert Clinton identifies the patterns God uses to develop a leader. By studying the lives of hundreds of historical, biblical, and contemporary leaders, Dr. Clinton has identified the six stages of leadership development and he establishes checkpoints so you can discern where you are in the process. Many times these phases overlap. As you examine leaders from Scripture you’ll... begin to recognize that the ministry of leadership flows from a person’s being, which is something God continues to mold throughout a lifetime.

Lets examine Dr. Clinton’s six phases of a life moving toward “Convergence” and “Legacy.”

Life Phases and Convergence

1. Sovereign Foundations: These are the factors already decided for you; things like race, gender, nationality, time in history, birth order, etc.2. Inner Life Growth: This is the formation of character and spirituality.3. Ministry Maturity: This is the development of gifts and effectiveness.4. Life Maturing: These are seasons where you address the challenges of life, contradictions, issues, etc.5. Convergence: This is where your gifting and calling come together in a role you live out.6. Legacy: This is the season where your life is a model of possibility to others. Your life message leaves massive ripple affects.

Only 20% of professional ministry leaders surveyed felt that they had experienced “convergence.” Convergence is where you want to go. Your design, which includes your talents, gifts and abilities, must be harnessed for a purpose. Continue to cultivate expertise in the areas to which God has called you. Define what the ideal future for you will look like. You will gravitate to that which you cherish as your vision. Cultivate the processes outlined so far and you will meet your appointment with destiny.

You can miss stages and get stuck, or you can condense the cycle of time in your life by understanding the ways of God, your gifts, emotional intelligence, etc. Do not settle for anything less than God’s best for you.

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